Safe working load and safety factor for big bags

What are the role of safe working load and safety factor for big bags? This is the topic EPP VietNam wants to share in this article. The reason is that ensuring labor safety is the top priority of enterprises. Every year, there are nearly 3 million occupational accidents as well as cases where employees are hit by objects or equipment while at work. It can be said that injury at work cannot be taken lightly.

Fortunately, industries that use FIBC bags with safety standards help to reduce workplace injuries and deaths due to damage, and breakage of goods packaging. Each big bag comes with a safe working load rating and safety factor. These indexes help businesses determine how to use their jumbo bags safely.

What do safe working loads and safety factors mean for big bags?

According to the most recent statistics on PP super sack usage, researchers expect the global FIBC market to be worth $6.6 billion by 2025. Demand continues to grow as more and more industries use FIBCs in more applications. Therefore, the safe working load and safety factor of jumbo bags is always a concern for businesses.

Safe working load and safety factor for big bags

What does safe working load mean?

A safe working load, also known as SWL, represents the maximum safe carrying capacity of the big bags for storage. SWLs applied worldwide should be expressed in pounds. That’s the maximum weight that the FIBC bag can safely store.

Because the safety of thousands of pounds floating in the air is paramount. Every element of the packaging, from the seam, the choice of material to the size of the loops, is chosen to support the SWL of the FIBC bag.

What does the jumbo safety factor mean?

The safety factor for big bags identifies how many times the packaging is reused. Specifically, enterprises are often too familiar with the SF 5:1 and SF 6:1 when using industrial super sacks. The jumbo bag with a safety factor of 5:1 is usually used once. In contrast,  pp bulk bags with a safety factor of 6:1 are often reused many times.

Why is it important to determine the safety factor for big bags?

Determining the safety factor when using jumbo bags helps to limit occupational accidents. To choose the safety and usability of fibc products, manufacturers use a method known as cyclic testing or top lift testing.

During the test, a jumbo bag with an SF of 5:1 must be able to hold 5 times the SWL after being used for 30 cycles – or the cycle test – double the safe working load. Jumbo bags that fail this test will not be accepted for industrial or commercial use.

On the other hand, an FIBC bag with an SF of 6:1 will be able to withstand up to 6 times the safe working load after being used for 70 cycles. Because this test is more rigorous, therefore, if the jumbo bag does not break before completing the test, it can be classified as a reusable bag.

What are the role of safe working load and safety factor for big bags?

Safe load and safety factor for jumbo bags play an essential role in allowing users to calculate the load their packaging can safely lift. The use of packaging that does not meet the required load and safety factors can lead to serious injury in the workplace or death. Knowing SWL and SF allows you to calculate the amount of product that you can safely fill a bag with.

Above is the shared information about the safe working load and safety factors for big bags. If you want to buy cheap, quality Jumbo bags, please visit to refer to the model or contact +84 986.002.888 now for a detailed quote.

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